AIPSS-MDS: Artificial Intelligence Prognostic Scoring System for MDS

The AIPSS-MDS model is a survival model developed using machine learning algorithms based on clinical and hematological parameters taken at the time of disease diagnosis. It is based on data from the Spanish Group of Myelodisplastic Syndromes (GESMD). The model was designed to provide personalized predictions of Overall survival (OS) and Leukemia-Free Survival (LFS) in patients with MDS without the need for NGS data. Outcome predictions are from disease diagnosis.

Clinical Data



Hemoglobin (g/dL)

e.g. 13 g/dl

Leukocytes (10^9/L)

e.g. 9.4 x 10^9/L

Platelets (10^9/L)

e.g. 250 x 10^9/L

Bone Marrow Blasts (%)

e.g. 3%

Neutrophils (%)

e.g. 60%

Cytogenetic Group

Risk Bars
The risk bar graphically represents a patient's risk level as a percentile, ranging from 0 to 100. A score of 0 signifies minimum risk, while 100 represents maximum risk . Visually, the bar evolves in color from green to red to indicate the level of risk: green denotes low risk, and red signifies high risk. This percentile and color-coded system provides an immediate, intuitive understanding of how a patient's risk compares to the broader population, assisting in informed medical decision-making.
Interactive plots
The app features interactive plots that offer a range of functionalities for enhanced data analysis. You can zoom in for a closer look, navigate through the plot to obtain precise X-Y values, and files.
Mosquera Orgueira A, Perez Encinas MM, Diaz Varela NA, Mora E, Díaz-Beyá M, Montoro MJ, Pomares H, Ramos F, Tormo M, Jerez A, Nomdedeu JF, De Miguel Sanchez C, Leonor A, Cárcel P, Cedena Romero MT, Xicoy B, Rivero E, Del Orbe Barreto RA, Diez-Campelo M, Benlloch LE, Crucitti D, Valcárcel D. Machine Learning Improves Risk Stratification in Myelodysplastic Neoplasms: An Analysis of the Spanish Group of Myelodysplastic Syndromes. Hemasphere. 2023 Oct 11;7(10):e961. doi: 10.1097/HS9.0000000000000961. PMID: 37841754; PMCID: PMC10569758.